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Difference between legal information and legal advice.

Legal information and legal advice are different concepts in the field of law.

Legal information refers to data or knowledge that is provided to a person on a particular topic or issue of law. Legal information can be general or specific and can be provided by different sources, such as books, websites, brochures, among others. For example, if a person is looking for information on how to register a trademark, he or she may find information about legal online that describes the process and the necessary requirements.

On the other hand, legal advice is a form of legal assistance that is provided to a person on a personalised basis and tailored to their individual situation. Legal advice involves analysing a client's specific situation, goals and needs, and providing specific legal recommendations or solutions to address their problems. Legal counsellors may be lawyers or other professionals with legal expertise. Legal advice may also involve legal representation in court proceedings.

In short, the main difference between the information legal and advisory services The first concerns a general description of the law and its processes, while the second involves personalised legal assistance tailored to the specific needs of an individual or company.

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